Dr. Md. Idris Ali

MS (1995, NITOR), MCPS (1991)
Ex. Assoc. Prof. Ortho Surgery BSMMU, Dhaka.
Date of Birth- 30/06/1957
Mobile: – 01819-250626
E-mail: bssmaiali@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. Md. Kamrul Ahsan

Prof. of Spine Surgery,
Dpt. of Orthopaedic Surgery, BSMMU
10 Digonta, 3, 3A Paribag, Shahbag Dhaka-1000
Year of passing MBBS-1988
Year of passing: D. Ortho-1997
Date of Birth- 01/07/1964
Mobile: 01711-809908
E-mail: kahsansps@yahoo.com

Dr. Mohammed Abdul Awal

21/12 Tajmahal Road. Black C, Mohammedpur, Dhaka-1207
Mobile: – +8801814-64627

Dr. Md. Yousuf Ali

MS (2006, NITOR)
Asso. Prof. Spine Surgery
Dept. Of Orthopaeadics BSMMU-Dhaka
Date of Birth- 01-01-1971
Mobile No- 01816-337238
E-mail: bssyousuf@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Anwarul Haque

Ex. Prof. Northan International Medical College

House: 11/3, Road: 1, Kallanpur, Mirpur, Dhaka-1207

Mobile: - +8801811-619314

Email: anwarul_dr@yahoo.com

Dr. Mohammed Salim

Ortho (2006, CMCH)
Jr. Consultant of Ortho Surgery CRP-Mirpur-14, Dhaka
Knight Sarah, Unit-1, Flat- 6/D, 10, Mehedibag, Chittagong-4000
Date of Birth- 15/06/1975
Mobile: – 01819-386133
E-mail: salim468@gmail.com

Dr. A.T.M. Rezaul Karim

D. Ortho. (2006, CMC)
Asst. Prof. of Ortho Surgery National Hospital Pvt. Ltd Mehedibag, Chittagong.
Date of Birth- 10-03-1967
Mobile No- 01819-380941
E-mail: dratmrk@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. Kh. Abdul Awal Rizvi

MS (1988, NITOR)
Ex-Director & Prof. of Ortho Surgery
House No-99, Road No-02, Shyamoly, Dhaka-1207
Date of Birth- 01/01/1955
Mobile: – 01711-565020
E-mail: – kawal@dhaka.net

Prof. Dr. Abul Khair Mohammad Eshaque

Flat No. C2. 63/B, Siddesori,
Rancos Garden Place, Dhaka.
Mobile: – 01711-548900
Email: dr.eshaque@gmail.com

Dr. Krishna Priya Das

MS (2008 BSMMU)
Assoc. Prof. of Ortho Surgery
Room No- 7/2, Block- D,
Department, Othopaedic Surgery, BSMMU, Dhaka.
Date of Birth- 31-12-1974
Mob: 01816-356806
E-mail: k.das73@yahoo.com

Brigadier General (R) Prof. Dr. Mohd. Rezaul Karim

Senior Consultant, United Hospital, Dhaka.

MBBS-1986, MS-Ortho-2002

Present Address- Flat 3A, House-93, Road- 6C, Banani DOHS, Dhaka Cantonment.

Mobile: - 01715-097787

Email: mrkortho@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Md. Ishaque Bhuiyan

DOB: 25-01- 1954
Prof. Enam medical college, savar, dhaka
Addresses; 66/B indira road west rajabazar dhaka
5Year of MBBS; 1978
6Achieved postgrduate degree&instiute; MS 2001 RIHD
E-mail: drishaqbhuiyan@gmail.com
Mobile 01711-902867

Dr. Md. Lutfor Rahman Khan

MS (1993, NITOR)
Prof of Ortho Surgery
Department of Orthopaedics Surgery
Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, Sylhet.
House- 666A, Road-4, Mohammadi Housing Limited Mohammadpur. Dhaka-1207.
Date of Birth- 31/12/1960
Mobile: – 01711-386924
E-mail: reachingtanu@gmail.com

Late Dr. Sk. Abbas Uddin Ahmed

MS (1997, NITOR)
Assoc Prof, of Ortho Surgery
Begom Khalada Zia Medical College Sher-e-Bangla Nagor, Dhaka
Date of Birth- 01-11-1958
Mobile: 01819-214537
E-mail: sk_abbasuddin2004@yahoo.com

Dr. Sk. Nurul Alam

D. Ortho (1980 NITOR), MS (1986, NITOR)
Director & Prof. of Ortho. Surgery, NITOR
House-22, Road-10, Block- Kha
PC Culture Housing Society, Sheker Tak Adabor, Dhaka.
Date of Birth-15/06/1952
Mobile: – 01711-544924
E-mail: alam_ortho@yahoo.com

Dr. S.I.M Khairun Nabi Khan

Navana Southernwood, Apt-C4, House-6, Rd-14(new), Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209.
D/O birth-8 July, 1965
MBBS- 1990, MS(Neurosurgery)-2003,
Mobile: – 01819-200159

Dr. Mainul Haque Sarker

House No. 36/1, Flat#3/A Roam. 4, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka 1205
Mobile: – 01713-005678

Dr. Serajuddin Ahammed

MS (1988, NITOR)
Prof. & Chairman Ortho Surgery, BSMMU
56, Probal Housing, Ring Road, Muhammadpur
Date of Birth- 28/08/1955
Mobile: 01711-425427

Dr. Md. Ibrahim Miah

D. Ortho. (2004, BSMMU)
Consultant of Ortho Surgery, BSMMU, Shahbag, Dhaka
F-23/8, Jannat Bag, Jannat Bag Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Date of Birth- 01/04/1970
Mobile: – 01732-398577
E-mail: ibrahim.bsmmu.jamal@gmail.com

Dr. Anwarul Islam Choudhury

MS (1989, NITOR)
Prof. Of Ortho. Surgery, BSMMU, (Old P.G. Hospital) Shahbag, Dhaka.
Date of Birth- 01/01/1951
Mobile: 01711-698705
E-mail: univorth@citecho.net

Brig. Gen. Prof. Dr. Md. Nuruzzaman

Brigadier General and Adviser Specialist(retd)
House# 408/10, Road# 7, DOHS, Baridhara, Dhaka Contonment, Dahka.
Year of Graduation: MBBS,1976, Chittagong Medical College
Year of Post-graduation: MS,1987, Poona University-India.
MCPS-1983, FICS,1995, FACS,1997
Mobile no: +8801711-530393,01713273028
E-mial: zaman_neurosurg1990@hotmail.com

Dr. Kazi Mohammed Hedayet Ullah

D. Ortho (2008, BSMMU)
Jr. Consultant of Ortho Surgery (C.C) Upojala Health Complex, Madan, Netrokona
Date of Birth- 20-07-1973
Mobile: 01711-157816
E-mail: kazihedayet@gmail.com


Address: 146/E North Shamoly. Kazi office area. Dhaka- 1207.
Posting place : Assistant Professor, MMCH
Date of birth : 25th February 1974.
Year of MBBS : 1999′ January (DMC)
Year of postgraduate : MS (ortho) july 2007 (Bsmmu)
mobile : 01712-143291
Email : alauddin_k49@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. Md. Shah Alam

MS (1994, NITOR), FCPS (1998), FRCS (2005)
Prof. of Ortho Surgery Road No-05, House-24
Flat no- E2, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205. Date of Birth- 31/12/1961
Mobile: 01711-527026
E-mail: dr.s.alam@hotmail.com

Dr. Md. Abdus Samad

Prof. of Ortho Surgery
Samorita Hospital, West Panthpath, Dhaka. Date of Birth- 01-01-1954
D. Ortho (1984), MS (1993 NITOR)
Mobile:- 01711-545268

Dr. Md. Zahidur Rahman

1398/18, Reaz Bag, Khillgaon Taltola Dhaka 1219
Mobile:- 01819-290150
Email: zahid19621@gmail.com

Dr. A.K.M. Zahiruddin

Prof. of Ortho Surgery
NITOR, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207. Flat No- B1, 2/7, Block – A, Lalmatia, Dhaka. Date of Birth- 01/07/1962
Mobile:- 01552-305262
MBBS : 1987
MS Ortho: 2006, NITOR
Email: drzahir78@gmail.com

Dr. Moinuddin Ahmed Choudhury

MS (2002, NITOR)
Prof of Orthopaedic Surgery SSMC & Mitford Hospital, Dhaka Date of Birth- 06/10/1963
Mobile:- 01713-020012
E-mail: moinuachy@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. Kazi Shamim Uzzaman

MS (2005, NITOR)
Prof. Ortho Surgery, NITOR
Sher-e-Bangla Nagor, Dhaka-1207
DOB- 03/03/1966
Mobile: 01711-148563
E-mail: kszaman66@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Zia Uddin

2/7, Humayun, Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Mobile: – 01819-322766

Dr. Sk. Ashraf Ullah

Orthopaedic Surgeon Ibn-Sina Hospital Road-15/A, House- 68 Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Date of Birth- 23-01-1969
D. Ortho. (2006, SSMCH)
Mobile: 01819-288158

Dr. Molla Ershadul Haque

Asso. Prof. NITOR
House #23, Road#11, Sector#4, uttara, Dhaka.
House#45, Road#2/A, Flate#2/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Mobile: – 01819-254359
Email: ershadul1962@gmail.com

Dr. M. Amjad Hossain

MS (1987, NITOR)Prof. of Ortho. Surgery
Lab-Aid Specialized Hospital
Road no- 16, Hose no- 05
Sheltech Cloud, Gulshan- 1, Dhaka. Date of Birth- 05-07-1959
Mobile:- 01711-530611
E-mail: hossain_amjad@hotmail.com, dramjadhossain@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Fazlul Hoque

FAORTHO (1993, NITOR), D. Ortho (1990, NITOR)
Sr. Consultant, Ortho Surgery Square Hospital, Panthopath, Dhaka.
Date of Birth- 01/04/1953
Mobile: 01711-532470
E-mail: fazlul@squarehospital.com

Dr. Md. Javed Rasheed

MS (2006, DU)
Assoc. Consultant, Orthopaedics Square Hospitals Ltd.
House-49, Road-4, Sect-3, Uttara Model Town.
Date of Birth- 19/12/1964
Mobile: 01819-470955
E-mail: dr_javedrasheed@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Mofakhkharul Bari

DOB- 31/07/1954

Honored Prof. Of Ortho Surgery Ilizarov Center, Kurgan, Russia

M.D-1982, MS-1984

Post -Doctoral Fellowship on Ilizarov Technique (RISC, RTO), Kurgan, Russia, 1995, 2003 & 2006

Mobile:- 01819-211595

E-mail: shayan_bari@hotmail.com, bari.ilizarov31@gmail.com


Dr. Mohammad Khurshed Alam

DOB- 31/12/1967
Prof. of Ortho Surgery
Dhaka Medical College (DMC) 
MBBS, MS-2006
Address: Flat-6C, NIRJHOR, 319, Elephant Road, Dhaka-1205 
Mobile: 01711-682688
E-mail: khurshed42dmc@gmail.com

Dr. Abu Bakar Siddique

DOB- 12/09/1964

MBBS-1990, MS-2006

B/5, Krishibid Palace, House-13, Road- 06. 10/A-Mirpur, Dhaka-1216.

Mobile: 01711-323897

E-mail: - drabsortho@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Shamsuzzaman Mondle

Registrar,Dept.Of  Neurosurgery, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital,Rajshahi

        Mobile:- 01819-680124

Dr. Md. Abdul Gani Mollah

DOB- 20/05/1958

Director and Prof. of Ortho Surgery

National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)

MBBS, D. Ortho. 1999, Ph.D. 2005

Mobile:- 01711-660673

E-mail:- gani2002bd@yahoo.com


Dr. G. M. Shahidul Islam



Sadar Hospital,Rajbari

Mobile:- 01716-808185

Dr. Md. Zahidul Islam

DOB- 02/10/1969

Asst. Prof. of Ortho Surgery

Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Rangpur.

MBBS, MS-2006

Mobile:- 01711-054389


Dr. Md. Abul Kashem

DOB- 01/06/1953
Sr. Consultant of Ortho. Surgery, (Rtd.) 
Kashem Center, 13/1 Paribag, Sonargaon Road, Dhaka-1000.
MBBS, D. Ortho. 1982, FAMS-1983
Mobile:- 01911-399705, 01715-867680
E-mail: drmakashem@hotmail.com

Dr. Abu Zaffar Chowdhury

DOB: 05/06/1969

Professor of Ortho Surgery

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)  

MBBS, MS-2006

Address: 3/7, Block-D, Lalmatia, Camelia Classic A/5, Dhaka

Mobile: - 01911-344510, 01713-201752

E-mail: dr.biru@yahoo.com

Dr. Muhammad Baqi Billah

DOB- 16/11/1973

Jr. Consultant of Ortho Surgery Uqazila Health Complex Jaganath Par, Sunamganj

MBBS, MS-2008

Mobile- 01711-312200

E-mail: drbaqibillah@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Md. Anowarul Islam

DOB: 16/9/1968

Prof. of Spinal Surgery

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)

MBBS, MS-2008

Flat no-A 602/702, SEL Afroza Motalib Swapna Dhara, 90/91 New Easkaton Road or 18/B Easkaton Garden, Dhaka-1000.

Mobile No- 01789-479121

E-mail: maislam.spine@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam Akon

DOB- 11/11/1972

Assistant Professor (Spine Surgery)

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

MBBS-1997, MS (Ortho)- 2009

Address: Flat No. A/2, House No. 3/1, Block - E, Lalmatia, Dhaka.

Mobile- 01711-149179

Email- shahid.akon@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. Syed Shahidul Islam


Ex-Prof. of Ortho Surgery

National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)

MBBS, D-ortho-1996, MS-2001

Address: Flat:-5/C, Sheltech Samad Azad, 83, Lake Circus, Kalabagan, Dhaka-1205

Mobile: 01712-255933

E-mail: dssislam@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Mohibur Rahman

DOB- 03-01-1964

MBBS, Ph. D-1997

234/2, North Shajahanpur, Dhaka-1217

Mobile No- 01718-266680

E-mail: mohibur9350466@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman

DOB: 01/01/1970

Asst. Professor of Ortho Surgery

Mugda Medical College

MBBS-1996, MS (Ortho)- 2006

Address: 59/01, North Circular Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1205.

Mobile:- 01711-311321

E-mail: drmizan2121@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Ramzanul Karim Khan

159/16/2 West Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216.

Mobile:- 01728-112121


Dr. Md. Jamal Uddin


Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery 

Chittagong Medical College 

MBBS-1998, MS-2009

Address - 125/A, Salma Bhaban, West Sholoshahor, Panchalish, Chandgao, Mohammadpur Pukur par, Muradpur, Chattogram.

Mobile: 01819-119898

E-mail: drjamalortho@gmail.com

Dr. A.T.M. Abdur Razzak

DOB- 01/08/1971
Consultant of Ortho Surgery
MBBS, D. Ortho-2008
Address: 108/16, Dogar Mora, CRP Road, Savar, Dhaka. 
Mobile: 01787-706006
E-mail: arazzak33@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Alamgir Hossain (Jony)

Jr. Consultant
MBBS, MS-2010
Address: C-9, Sky View Park City, 165, Shantinagar, Dhaka. 
Mobile No- 01711-139871
E-mail: mdjony0761@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Taimur Rahman

DOB- 20/01/1975 
M.B.B.S, MS-2010 
Address: F-A/6, House No- 75, North Dhanmondi, Kalabagan, Dhaka.
Mobile No- 01711-040809
E-mail: rahman_taimur@yahoo.com

Dr. S.M. Amir Hossain

DOB- 26/12/1961
Ex- Prof. Ortho. Surgery
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation (NITOR) 
MBBS, MS-1998
Address: 1/4/A, Asad Avenue (Fernsdale Assef) Mohammad, Dhaka. 
Mobile: - 01711-542064
E-mail: amirhossain9@live.com

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Rob

Ex- Prof. Ortho. Surgery

National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)

Flat No-4/C, Road No.01, House No. 14, pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka.

Mobile: - 01911-512969

Email: dr_rob18@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. Md. Wahidur Rahman

DOB: 12-05-1965

Prof. of Ortho Surgery

National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)

MBBS, MS-2006

Mobile No- 01712-069654

E-mail: arittra23@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. Md. Rezaul Karim

DOB: 6/30/1969

Professor of Ortho Surgery

National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)

MBBS-1994, MS (Ortho)

Address: 375/4, North Pirerbag, Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216

Mobile No-01715-550340

E-mail: drreza2010@yahoo.com, drrezakarim97@gmail.com

Dr. Sayeed Hossain (Sabuj)

Medical Officer, NITOR, Dhaka

Mobile: - 01711-664362

Dr. Mohammad Mahfuzur Rahman

DOB: 12-11-1976 
Assistant Prof. Ortho Surgery
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) 
D. Ortho-2008, MS
5/Q, Aziz Co-operative Housing Complex Shahbag, Dhaka
Mobile No- 01711-161699
E-mail: anapaneyo@hotmail.com, anapaneyo@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Md. Jahangir Alam

DOB: 10/02/1970

Prof. Of Ortho Surgery

National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)

MBBS, MS-2007

Mobile: 01711-802369

E-mail: drjahangiralam@yahoo.com

Dr. Uttam Kumar Ray

Sr. Consultant (Ortho), Sadar Hospital, Kurigram.
Mobile: - 01716-184775

Prof. Dr. Monjurul Hoque Akanda Chowdhury

Prof. of Ortho. Surgery

NITOR, Dhaka-1207

Mobile: - 01711-529731

Email: mha.chowdhury56@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Sarwar

DOB: 02-10-1966

Prof. Ortho Surgery

National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)

MBBS, MS-2003

Mobile: - 01713-145559

E-mail: sarwar.ortho2006@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam Khan

DOB: 21-01-1981

Medical Officer

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)

MBBS- 2004, MS-2011

Home Address: Flat: 8B, 8C, House 262/1, 262/2, SEL Sattars pride, Vojjo Teler goli, Elephant Road, Newmarket, Dhaka

Mobile No- 01818-724610

E-mail: sikhan55@yahoo.com

Dr. Paritosh Ch. Debnath

DOB: 26-12-1955 
Assoc. Prof. of Ortho Surgery Shaheed Suhrawardi Hospital Sher-e-Bangla Nagor, Dhaka. 
MS (1998, NITOR)
Mobile: 01711-151111
E-mail: paritosh52@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Khairuzzaman

DOB: 01/06/1966
Jr. Consultant
M.B.B.S.- 1992, MS-2009 
I/9, Kazi Nazrul Islam Road. Block-E, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207 
E-mail: mkzaman_ortho@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Ashraful Islam

Room No. 713, Block-D, BSMMU
Mobile: 01817-008509
Email: dr_ashraf007@yahoo.com

Dr. Shekh Forhad

Impariyal 302, Flat No: B-3, Big Magbagar, Dhaka 1217

Mobile: -

Dr. Ahsan Majid

Flat No: A/4, House 51/D, Road No: 13/3, Sector -3, Uttora, Dhaka

Mobile: - 01819-272823

Dr. Mushfiqur Rahman Choudhury

DOB: 10-11-1968
Consultant of Ortho Surgery 
D. Ortho-2007
20/6 (4th Floor), Tajmohal Road, Block – C, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207. 
Mobile: - 01611-343968, 01911-343968
E-mail: mushfiq960@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad Moshiur Rahman

DOB: 01-09-1971
MBBS, MS-2011
27/1/JA, North Pirerbagh, Mirpur, Dhaka-1207. 
Mobile No- 01788-889067
E-mail: drmdliton@gmail.com

Dr. AZM Selimullah

Mobile: - 01711-427103

Dr. Abu Md. Mofakhkharul Islam

Mobile: - 01711-631598

Dr. Kh. Nurul Arefin


Prof. Of Ortho. Surgery

BSMMU, Dhaka.


Mobile No- 01715-135207


Dr. Najmus Sakeb

DOB: 23-10-1981
Associate Professor and Head 
Department of Spine Surgery and Disease
Dhaka Community Medical College Hospital (DCMCH)
And Community Research Institute for Trauma and Orthopedic Rehabilitation (CRITOR)
MBBS: 2004, MS-2012
Mailing Address: House No- 2, Road No- 1, Block No- C, Banosree, East Rampura, Khilgaon, Dhaka.
Mobile No- 01818-500977
E-mail: sakibortho999@yahoo.com

Dr. Sharif Ahmed Jonayed

DOB: 04/05/1980 
Assistant Professor, Spine Surgery 
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2003, MS-2011 
House No- 13, Road No- 07, Dhanmondhi, Dhaka-1209
Mobile No-01711-445840
E-mail: dr.jonayed@gmail.com

Dr. Muhammad Sieful Islam

DOB: 15/08/1976 
Asso. Prof., Orthopedics and Spine Surgery 
M.B.B.S- 2000, D-ortho-2009, M.S-2018 
Home Address: House - 890, Road - 11, Avenue -2, DOHS, Mirpur Cantonment, Mirpur, Dhaka
Mob: 01711-150130
E-mail: siefdr74@yahoo.com 

Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman Labu

Ex-Assistant Prof. Ortho Surgery
MBBS, D-ortho, FRCS (Glasgo) 
House no. 14 (3rd Floor), Road- 6, Scetor -3 Uttara Dhaka 
Mobile: -01711-981717
E-mail: dranisurrahman17@gmail.com

Dr. Provash Chandra Saha

DOB: 02/11/1971
Asst. Prof, Ortho Surgery
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)            
MBBS: 1998, MS: 2013
Home Address: 49/A, Savar Southpara, Savar, Dhaka.
Mobile: - 01718-112539
E-mail: provashsaha71@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Habibul Hasan

DOB: 19/12/1981
Assistant Professor (Spine Surgery)
Rajshahi Medical College
MBBS: 2004, FCPS (Ortho): 2014
Mobile: - 01717-544883
Email: habibulhasan0706@gmail.com 

Dr. Purnendu Biswas

DOB- 05/08/1970 
Professor (ortho-surgery)
Sheikh Hasina Medical College, Habiganj.
MBBS 1996, MS (2009, DMC)
Address - H-28 & 28A. R-03, Shyamoly, Dhaka -1207
Cell: 01711-060466
E-Mail: purnendubsws@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Monowar Tarik

Jr. Consultant of Ortho Surgery
Upzila Health Complex, Tanore, Rajshahi. House no- 31, Shopura, Miapara,
D. Ortho. (2005 RMC)
Address: P/O- shopura, P/S- Boalia, Rajshahi Date of Birth- 08-09-1974
Mobile: - 01711-972280
E-mail: dr.tariksabu@gmail.com

Dr. Apel Chandra Saha

DOB: 15/04/1972
M.B.B.S.- 1997, D. Ortho-2003, MS-2009
Address: 2/9 Block-A, Flat-3C, Genetic Prangon, Lalmatia, Dhaka – 1207. 
Mob: 01741-103257
E-mail: dr.apel@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Asraf Ul Matin (Sagor)

DOB: 15-02-1977
M.B.B.S.- 2003, D. Ortho-2008 
177/2, Ahmed Nagar Paikpara, Mirpur-1, Dhaka. 
Mobile No- 01711-987212
E-mail: ashrafsagor@yahoo.com

Dr. Muhammad Sayeed Mahmud

DOB: 22-05-1978 
M.B.B.S.- 2003, MS-2011
Address: 56 Probal Housing (1st Floor), Ring Road, PS-Adabor, PO- Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Mobile No- 01711-901293
E-mail: tamal.m33@gmail.com 

Dr. Mohammad Abdul Hannan

MBBS: 2004, MS: 2014 
Address: House 2/4; Road No 1; Shamoly, Mohammadpur, Dhaka.1207.
Mobile: - 01915-494404
Email: hannandmc@gmail.com 

Dr. Hasan Khalid Md. Munir

DOB: 01-01-1977 
MBBS, D. Ortho-2010
Address: Sheltech Kheya, Flat No- 9/Y, 205, New Elepant   Road, Dhaka
Mobile No- 01711-114535
E-mail: dr.hasan.khalid.123@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad kamruzzaman

Junior Consultant, MMCH 
MBBS-2002, Postgraduation year:2012
Mobile No: +8801711-144876
Email: manik76dr@gmail.com 

Prof. Dr. Col. Md. Abdul Awal Bhuiyan (Retd)

DOB: 02/01/1955 
Senior Consultant Ortho (Trauma, Spine)
US Bangla Medical College & Hospital
MBBS (Dhaka)-1980, M.S(Ortho) D U-1998 
Present Address: House No -1146, Road No-9/A, Avenue10, DOHS Mirpur Pallabi, Dhaka 1216
Mobile: - 01711-422899
E-mail: awal376@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. Monaim Hossen

DOB: 01-07-1960 
Ex. Prof. Ortho Surgery 
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS, MS- 2003
Mobile: - 01711-132027
E-mail: dr.monaim@yahoo.com

Dr. Mohammad Akshad Al Masur Anon

DOB: 26/9/1979
Senior Consultant (Orthopaedic Surgery)
250 Bedded General Hospital Pabna.
Address: PDC Specialized Hospital,Salgaria,Pabna.
MBBS-2004, MS-2011
Mobile: - 01712-218118
Email: dranonortho@gmail.com  

Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin

Prof. of Ortho Surgery
Community Based Medical College, Bangladehs
MBBS, D. Ortho-2005
Address: 25, Akna Uttarpara, Akna Chourangi Moor, Mymensingh
Mobile No: 01914-448227, 01747-761111
Email: nasircbmcb@gmail.com  

Dr. Abul Hasnat Muhammad Tanvir Hasan Siddiquee

DOB: 29-05-1972 
MBBS, D. Ortho-2010
Address: Flat –B3, DOMM INNO Bhuyian Alleanza, 689, Bara Mogbazar, Dhaka-1217.
Mobile: - 01914-198612
E-mail: dr.tanvir72@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Saiful Islam

DOB: 21/02/1971
Assoc. Prof. of Ortho Surgery
MBBS, D. Ortho-2008
Address: Vill: Akjail, P. S: Kalatia, Keranigong, Dhaka
Mobile: 01711-076773
Email: dr.saiful.islam24434@gmail.com

Dr. Mamunur Rashid Chowdhury

DOB: 15/12/1997
Associate Professor and unit Head Orthosurgery Department 
Community Based Medical College and Hospital Bangladesh
MBBS: 2002, D. Ortho: 2009
Address: 30, Chowdhury Manson, Akua Dakkin Para, Mymensingh-2200
Mobile: +8801718-232478
Email: mamunakua@gmail.com 

Dr Mohammad Saiful Islam

DOB: 12/31/1973

Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

Mymensingh Medical College

MBBS-1999, MS-2011

93, RK Mission Road, Sadar, Mymensingh

Mobile No- 01712-190330

E-mail: saifulbd1973@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Salim-Ur-Rahman

DOB: 01/01/1968
Brigadier General
Professor and Head of the Department of Orthopaedic.
Armed Forces Medical College & Combined Military Hospital Dhaka MBBS-1992, MS-2002 
Address: 1/A Chondroprova, Dhaka Cantonment 
Mobile: 01711-137773
Email: salim768@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Mushfiqur Rahman

DOB: 21/04/1972 
Senior Consultant
OSD DGH, Attachment 
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS, D. Ortho-2006, MS- 2015
Address: Road-20, House-277, Muzgunni R/A, Khalishpur, Khulna
Mobile: 01711-393190
E-mail: mushfiqurrahmanortho@gmail.com

Dr. Abul Kalam Azad

DOB: 18.01.1978
Assistant Professor
Netrokona Medical College
MBBS, F.C.P.S- 2016
Address: 20, B-2, Gardenia, Eskaton Garden, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01711-479735
Email: ripon_dr@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Ashker Ibne Shams

DOB: 25.11.1984
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS, Diploma- 2014
Address: 1-D/8-9, Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216
Mobile: 01717-039243
Email: polashboby55@gmail.com

Dr. Moyeen Ahmed Ferdous

DOB: 13.09.1976
MBBS- 2000, D-ortho- 2016
Address: Flat: A/4, 148/B Khilgaon Chowdhury Para, Dahka-1219
Mobile: 01817-506868
Email: moyeenbsmmu@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Muzibur Rahman

DOB: 31.12.1961
Ex. Assistant Professor 
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS, D-Orhto- 2000, MS- 2008
Address: House: 110, Road: 12, Block: E, Banani, Dhaka-1213
Mobile: 01711-849697
Email: muzib20@yahoo.com

Dr. O. Z. M. Dastagir

DOB: 09/09/1983
Senior Consultant
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS- 2006, D. Ortho- 2013, MS- 2018
Address: Room No. 201, Doctors Hostel, NITOR
Mobile: 01711-849697
Email: ozmdastagir@gmail.com 

Dr. A B M Morshed Goni

DOB: 12/10/1977
Assistant Professor
Rangpur Medical College
MBBS 2001, MS-Ortho 2015
Address: H/N-15/1, PTI Road 1, Dhap Katkipara, Rangpur
Mobile: 01711-148891
Email: morshedgoni@yahoo.com 

Dr. Mohammad Aminul Islam

DOB: 31/12/1983
Junior Consultant 
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR) 
MBBS-2007, MS-Ortho-2016
Address: Vill+P.O: Kazir Anar, U.Z: Sreebordi, Dist: Sherpur
Mobile: 01717-073876
Email: aminul39mmc@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Sazzad Hossain (Shawon)

DOB: 09/12/1982
MBBS, MS-Ortho 2015
Address: House: 47, Road: 16, Sector: 14, Uttara Model Town, Uttara, Dhaka
Mobile: 01711-135670
Email: sazzad_dr@yahoo.com 

Dr. Md. Nur Alam

DOB: 10/22/1978
Assitan Professor (Spine Surgery) 
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR) MBBS-2002, MS-Ortho 2009
Address: Road No. 03, House No. 157, Mohakhali New Dohs, Dhaka
Mobile: 01673-411428
Email: drnuralambd@gmail.com 

Dr. S. M. A. Rahim

DOB: 22/10/1978
MBBS- 2005, D-Ortho 2015
Address: Afsani Villa, House No. 9, Hossaini Dalan Road, Chankharpul, Dhaka
Mobile: 01715-043313
Email: dr.smarahim@yahoo.com 

Dr. Minto Chandra Paul

DOB: 25/12/1918
Senior Consultant (Orthopedic surgery)
Shaheed Ahsan Ullah Master General Hospital, Tongi, Gazipur
MBBS-2003, D-ortho-2015
Mailing address: B6-T2-07-02, Bijoy Rakeen City, Dog Squad Road, Section-15, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Mobile: 01712-293008
Email: mcpaulfmc@gmail.com  

Dr. Md. Abubaker Siddique

MS-Orhto 2014
House: 29, Road: 12, Pisci Culture Housing Society, Shekhertek, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Mobile: 01711-061012
Email: dipuabsiddiqm@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Asaduzzaman

DOB: 1/23/1984
Junior Consultant (Orthopaedic & Traumatology)
National institute Rahmanof Traumatology & orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2008, D-ortho-2015
Address: H-28, R-10, Sector-04, Uttara, Dhaka
Mobile: 01717-646726
Email: rajib_rmc@yahoo.com 

Dr. MD. Emdadul Haque

DOB: 31.12.1969
MS-orhto 2012
101, Shabujbag, Bashaboo, Dhaka
Mobile: 01711-705296
Email: dr.ehaqueemdad@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Ismail Hossain

DOB: 30.11.1978
MBBS May 2003, MS-ortho 2016
Vill + Po: Nayagola, PS+Dist: Chapainawabgong
Mobile: 01712-583843
Email: ismail38.rmc@gmail.com 

Dr. Molla Muhammad Abdullah Al Mamun

DOB: 01-09-1973
MBBS, MS. Ortho 2010
House: 19, Road: 15, Sector: 4, Uttara, Dhaka-1230
Mobile: 01979-272872, 01819-272872
Email: mmaamamun@yahoo.com  

Dr. Md. Abdur Rahman

DOB: 20.05.1980
MBBS, D-ortho 2013
Vill: Kutubpur, Post: Pirpur Kullak, Thana: Damurhuda, Dist: Chuadanga
Mobile: 01712-592119
Email: dmarahman80@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad Rafiqul Islam Khan

DOB: 07.07.1980
MBBS, MS-ortho 2013
Address: 285 Damia Road, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01711-133074
Email: shimulk55@gmail.com 

Dr. Dilip Kumar Mollick

MBBS, D-ortho 2014
Address: 1791 A, Hagbagh, Gagpur, Sador.
Mobile: 01711-052399

Dr. Md. Abdur Rahman

MBBS 2006, MS-ortho 2016
Ward-26, Chittagang Medical College
Mobile: 01912-079328
Email: iaitusumon41@gmail.com  

Dr. Mirza Osman Beg

DOB. 04-10-1980
Address: Bedkutir, Megna P-26, Beg Kutir, Dariapara, Sylhet Sadar, Sylhet
Mobile: 01915-482156
Email: mirzacomc@gmail.com  

Dr. Md. Waheeduzzaman

DOB: 02.11.1952
MBBS 1975, FLPS 1984
Address: Eastrn Rahkmn Tmur, Flat no. 2/401, 98, Bara Mogbazar, Dhaka 1217
Mobile: 01711-568087

Dr. Ananta kumar Bhakta

DOB: 05.03.1979
MBBS- 2004, MS- 2015
Address: House: 5, Road: 20/D, Sector 4, Uttara, Dhaka-1230
Phone: 01830-995336
Email: anantabhakta79@gmail.com  

Dr. Mohammad Atiqur Rahman

DOB: 1/30/1983
Senior Consultant 
Shariatpur shador Hospital 
MBBS-2006, D-ortho-2015
Address: 108/1-A, Pathowary Goli, East basabo, Dhaka-1214
Mobile: 01748-911965
Email: atiqorthodmc@gmail.com 

Dr. Sohelur Rahman

DOB: 28.09.1977
MBBS, MS-ortho 2015
Classified Specialest in Orthopaedic Major Sohelur Rahman CMH, Dhaka
Mobile: 01712-155837
Email: drsohelms@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Humayun Kabir

DOB: 05.12.1984
MBBS, D-ortho 2016
Address: Road no: 03, House: 68, Weast Shewsapara, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Mobile: 01717-454527
Email: dr.humayan129@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. A. Z. M Rezaul Karim

MBBS 2003, D-ortho 2014
Rajbari Clinic, Sajjan Kanda (Boropul), Rajbari.
Mobile: 01711-710553

Dr. Sala-Uddin Mohammad Monzer

DOB: 21.01.1981
MBBS, D-ortho 2016
226 Middle Bashabo, P.S. Sabujbagh, P.O. Bashabo, Dhaka-1214
Mobile: 01914-255422
Email: smmonzer@gmail.com 

Dr. Shamol Chandra Barman

DOB: 01.09.1975
MBBS, MS-ortho 2016
Mohona, Block-B, Karer para pathantula, Sylhet.
Mobile: 01712-544919
Email: shamolchandrabarman@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Mobaraque Hossain

D-ortho, 2016,
MO, Blue-1 Unit, NITOR
Vill-Brojobala Puran Para, Post office- Talgachi, Thana-Shah Jadpur, Dist- Sirajganj 
Mobil: 01716-452831
Email: mobarok36@gmail.com 

Dr. Mahmudul Rahman Imrul

D-ortho 2011
DOB: 25.11.1981
5/E, Tomakhan Heritage 376/1, Gulbag, Malibag, Dhaka
Mobile: 01714-038168
Email: dr.mr.imrul@gmail.com 

Dr. Suaon Kumar Sen

MS-ortho 2015
DOB: 01.08.1981
Classified Specialist in Orthopaedic Major Suman Kumar Sen, CMH, Dhaka
Mobile: 01712-156745
Email: sksenm36@yahoo.com

Lt Col (Dr.) Mohammad Russel

DOB: 21/07/1980
Classified Orthopaedic Specialist 
Combined Military Hospital (Cmh), Rangpur
MBBS 2005, MS-ortho 2016
Address: CMH, Rangpur
Mobile: 01817-605120
Email: drmohammadrussel@gmail.com 

Dr. Mohammad Anisur Rahman

D-ortho 2016
305, Shuvapur, Chandpur, Comilla Sador, Comilla. 
Mobile: 01712-121812
Email: anisurrahmansufee@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad Ali Faisal

MS-Ortho 2009
Address: Surman, 4/3, Doctors Quatar, Central Police Hospital, Rajarbagh, Dhaka
DOB: 29/07/1975
Mobile: 01712-000421
Email: alifaisal1975@gmail.com 

Dr. Khandoker Abdur Rahim

D-ortho 2013
DOB: 14.01.1974
2/A, Road-13, Sekerpek P.C. Pulpure, Housing, Adabor, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01711-387603
Email: dr.khandokerrahim@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Qumruzzaman Parvez

MBBS 2003, MS-ortho 2015
DOB: 07.01.1981
C/O- Md. Azhar Ali Shodor Hospital Road, Purbo Tengree, Ishurdi
Mobile: 01711-150012
Email: parvezqz@gmail.com

Dr R A M Kausarul Islam

DOB: 2/10/1963
Associate Professor & HOD
Ashiyan Medical College 
MBBS 1986, D-Ortho 2004
House: 437, Road no: 02, Baitul Aman Housing, Adabor, Dhaka. 
Mobile: 01972-634001
Email: kausarulramfahadrahad@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad Badsha Miah

MBBS 1999, D-Ortho 2005, MS-Ortho 2016
Address: Flat No. 7D, House. 260, Elephant Road, Dhaka
DOB: 12/11/1971
Mobile: 01715-469729
Email: dr.badshamaih@gmail.com 

Dr. Khan Asaduzzaman

MBBS 1995, MRCS 2006
Sn. Consultant, North East Medical College Hospital, Sylhet
DOB: 19/07/1968
Mobile: 01943-347781
Email: asadbgd@hotmail.com 

Dr. Kazi Mohammad Hannanur Rahman

MS 2017
Date of Birth: 01.02.1980
499, East Kazipara, Kafrul, Dhaka-1216
Mobile: 01720-213544
Email: docjewel@gmail.com 

Dr. Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman Khan

MS (Ortho Surgery) 2015
DOB: 10.02.1978
33-34, New Urcuit House, 4th Floor, Easkaton Garden Road, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01553-445959
Email: mahbubdr37@yahoo.com 

Dr.Muhammad Monjur-ul-Alam

DOB: 6/20/1984
Medical Officer
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR) 
MBBS-2007, MS-Ortho
Phone: +8801919-868831
E-mail: muhammadmonjurulalam1984@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Masud Rana

DOB: 10-05-1987
Address: Adalotpara, Tangail Sadar, Tangail
Phone: +880175-40006
E-mail: nehal.masud31@gmail.com

Dr. Shagor Kumar Sarker

DOB: 02-11-1981
Address: Flat-f-D, 395/3, Hatirpool, Dhaka
Phone: +8801711-734413
E-mail: shagorsarkerss28@gmail.com 

Mohammad Amirul Islam

DOB: 13-01-1975
RS- Casuality(Incharge), Sher E Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barishal
Phone: +8801712-146870
E-mail: amir1012108@gmail.com 

Dr. K M Rafiqul Islam

DOB: 05/04/1979
Research Assistant 
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University 
MBBS-2003, MS-2012
Address: House no: 35/7C, Shantinagar Peer Shaheber Goli, Dhaka-1217
Phone: +8801819-446128
E-mail: spineresearchershetu@yahoo.com 

Dr. Mohammad Rubaith Tashfin

DOB: 17-05-1983
Address: 4,5,5/6, Kathal Bagan, Dhaka-1205
Phone: +8801730-797606
E-mail: tashaffec@gmail.com

Dr. S. M. Yousuf Amin

DOB: 21/06/1988
Assistant Professor 
Barind Medical College, Rajshahi 
MBBS-2011, MS-2020
Address: Vill+PO: Deopura, PS: Gomostapur, Dist: Chapai Nawabgonj
Phone: +8801719-363429
Email: yousufamin21@gmail.com 

Dr. Faisal Amin Ahmed

DOB: 28/12/1984
Assistant Register
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2007, MS-2020
Address: Flat-1401/2, Eastern Flower 46, Siddeshswari Road, Ramna, Dhaka
Phone: +8801616-409141
E-mail: dr.faisalamin@gmail.com

Dr. Lata Majumder

DOB: 11-06-1985
Address: House no. 24, Block C, Pollabi R/A
West Pathantula, Sylhet
Phone: +8801722-640684
E-mail: majumderdrorthoa18@gmail.com 

Dr. Nazmee Kabir

DOB: 10/18/1988
Evercare Hospital Dhaka
MBBS-2013, D-Ortho-2019
Address: Apt A2, House 435, Road 6, Block D, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Phone: +8801711-975315
E-mail: nazmeekabir@gmail.com 

Dr. Sk. Golam Mahbub

DOB: 25/12/1977
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2002, Post Gratuation-2018
Address: Mohona Tulip,Flat No#A-4,58/C West Rajabajar,Sher-E-Banglanagar,Dhaka-1215 
Phone: +8801715-093179
Email: dmhb21@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Azizur Rahman

DOB: 10/07/1988
Junior Consultant (Ortho-surgery)
Sadarpur Upazila Health Complex, Sadarpur, Faridpur
MBBS-1012, D-ortho-2019
Address: 1250 Sq. Feet (College), Staff Quarter, Faridpur Medical College Hospital, Faridpur
Phone: +88 01723-070920
Email: dr.azizfmc15@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Wbaydur Rahman

DOB: 30-12-1988
Ex- Asst. Professor
Nightingale Medical College.
Consultant, Popular Diagnostic Center, Gazipur Br.
MBBS – 2011, D-ortho-2019
Address: House- 39, Road -07, Sector -11, Uttara, Dhaka 1230
Phone: +8801717-383752
Email: drwbayed@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Nurun Nabi

DOB: 13-11-1990
Address: Olive Tara, 63/1-6, North Komolapur, Kobi Jashim Uddin Road, Dhaka-1217
Phone: +8801789-783012
Email- jewelnurunnabi@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Sarker

DOB -15/12/1982
Jn. Consultant, Orthopaedic surgery
Upozila Health Complex, Chatkhil, Noakhali, Chittagong.
MBBS- 2005, D. ORTHO -2010, MS-2022
Address: Building A7, Tower 2, Level 6, Flat 2, Bijoy Rakeen city, Mirpur-13
Phone: +8801711-939508
E-mail: drmoho006@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Saklayen Hossain

DOB: 02-03-1978
Address: Flat-3A, H# 260, Road# 01
Baitul Aman Housing, Adabor, Dhaka
Phone: +8801556-319579
Email: saklayenhossain@gmail.com 

Dr. Nabil Zunayed Sidny

DOB: 10/3/1990
Assistant Professor and Head (C.C)
Department Of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery
Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical College Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka
MBBS -2013, D- Ortho-2019
Address: Flat A3, House 40 Road 10, Sector 10, Uttara, Dhaka 
Phone: +8801674-429904
E-mail: sidsalley@gmail.com  

Dr. S K Murad Ahamed

Dr. S K Murad Ahamed
DOB: 14-11-1984
Address: Flat A-4, 77/1 North Dhanmondi, Kolabagan, Dhaka
Phone: +8801717-454232
E-mail: drskmurad@yahoo.com 

Dr kazi Shahadat Hossain

DOB: 1/1/1988
Associate Professor 
Mainamoti medical college, Cumilla 
MBBS-2011, D-Orthopaedic-2016
Address: 171, Kazi Villa, 2nd muradpur, Cumilla-3500
Phone: +8801710-392711 
E-mail: babushahadat1988@gmail.com 

Dr. Aminul Hoque Pathan

DOB: 03-09-1968

Address: 659/A Baro Mogbazar,
Phone: +8801819-274117

Dr. Asgar Hossain Shohag

DOB: 21-02-1983
Address: House-812, Road-21, Block G
Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Phone: +8801716-066763
E-mail: shohagasgar98@gmail.com 

Dr. Dibakar Sarkar

DOB: 01-01-1982
NITOR, Dhaka
Phone: +8801705-682391
E-mail: dibakarrmc@gmail.com

Muhammad Rafiqul Islam

DOB: 1/1/1977
Assistant professor (orthopedic)
Netrakona Medical college 
MBBS-2001, D-ortho-2008, MS(Ortho)-2017
Address: 55, Laboratory Road, 6/B
Henas Appartment, New Elephant
Road, Dhaka
Phone: +8801711-466692
E-mail: mrislam1977ssmc@gmail.com

Dr. Z Wadud

DOB: 30/12/1985
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2010, MS-2020
Address: Eastern Millennium, Flat-104, 15/1, Topkhana Road, Shegun Shegun Bagicha, Dhaka
Phone: +8801816-481363
E-mail: drzwadud@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Samiul Islam

DOB: 24/09/1977
Medical Officer
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2002, MS-2019
Address: Flat# A4, 41, Dilu Road, New Eskaton, Moghbazar, Dhaka
Phone: +8801711-368644   
E-mail: docmsi@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Masraful Islam

DOB: 01-02-1989
Junior Consultant, Orthopaedic surgery
Sher-E-Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barishal
MBBS-2011, D-ortho-2019
Address: Nur Bhaban, House no. 33, Hazera Khatun School Road,West Kawnia, Ward no:01, Barishal City Corporation.
Phone: +8801779-942531
E-mail: masrafulshaikatsb37@gmail.com  

Dr. K M Shorfuddin

DOB: 10/10/1986
Assistant Registrar 
National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2010, MS-2020
Address: 9, Shantibag, Dhaka-1217, (beside rajarbag green line bus counter globe nibas r goli)
Phone: +8801711-780808
E-mail: dr.shorfuddin@gmail.com 

Dr. Abdullah Al Mamun Choudhury

DOB: 01/01/1981 
Senior Consultant (Orthopaedics)
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR) MBBS-2005, FCPS (orthopedics)-2019
Address: 108/A/16/11, Kalim Vila, Sahid Buddhijibi road, Jafrabad, Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: +8801714-575282                                     
Email: mamuncomc@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Sarwar Jahan

DOB: 16/12/1982
Assistant Professor (Spine Surgery) 
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR) 
MBBS – 2006, FCPS (Orthopedics) - 2019
2/4/2, South Kallyanpur, Dhaka.
Mobile: +8801714-461074
Email: sarwardmc58@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Mahamudul Hasan

DOB: 08/12/1982

Assistant Professor (Spine Surgery)

Satkhira Medical College

MBBS-2006, MS-2019

Address: Kazi Nazrul Islam Road, Katia, Satkhira Pourosoba.

Mobile: 01712-235717

Email: mdmahamud29.ssmc@gmail.com




Prof. Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam

Professor (Ortho Surgery)
Ad-din Medical College Hospital
MBBS-1999, MS- 2011
DOB: 03/02/1976
Address: Flat-5/A, Nilkomol, 287/1/2, Elephant Road, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01715-111496
Email: drshahid34rmc@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Hasan

Ad-din Medical College Hospital
MBBS-1999, MS- 2012
DOB: 18/06/1972
Address:252, Elephant Road, Al-Baraka Tower, Katabon, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01712-013623
Email: drhasan_dhaka23@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. MIR Hamidur Rahman

Professor (Ortho Surgery)
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS, MS-2006
DOB: 30/03/1966
Address: Flat No. 104, House No. 40, Road-3A, Dhanmondhi R/A, 1209
Mobile: 01712-098223
Email: hamidurrahman1122334455@gmail.com

Dr. Ripan Gosh

National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2006, MS-2017
DOB: 07/03/1980
Address: Vill: Poranchar, P.O-Gopaldi Bazar, P.S-Madobdi, Dist: Narsindi.
Mobile: 01915-486894
Email: mailtoripan@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Rashedul Islam

National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS, MS-2018
DOB: 26/07/1985
Address: 28/B, Sajer Maya, 60 Feet Road, East Pirerbag, Mirpur-2, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01675-836700, 01839-804166
Email: drmdrashedulislam1985@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad Mohibur Rahman

DOB: 15/02/1976
Address: 13/8, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka
Mobile: 01715-062934
Email: drmohibur@gmail.com

Dr. Nirmal Kanti Biswas

Sr. Consultan
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2004, MS-2016
DOB: 20/06/1978
Address: Flat No. B3, 2/12 Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01716-206698
Email: drbiswas29@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad Ruhul Amin Molla

Assistant Registrar   
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2008, MS-2018
DOB: 01/10/1985
Address: Flat-J/17, Rupayan Z.A. Tower, 115-Shantinagar, Dhaka
Mobile: 01716-006735
Email: dr.chayan342@gmail.com

Dr. Jhuton Chandra Banik

Resident Surgeon, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Dhaka Medical College Hospital
MBBS-2010, MS-2020
DOB: 05/02/1986
Address: Rupayon Taj Tower, Flat E-81, 1/1 culvert road, Bijaynogor, Palton, Dhaka
Mobile: 01712-240262
Email: jhuton2u@gmail.com

Dr. Jibananda Halder

Assistant Professor
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-1995, MS-2017
DOB: 01/02/1970
Address: NITOR
Email: dhiman1270@gmail.com 

Dr. Md. Asaduzzman

Assistant Professor
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS, MS-2018
DOB: 09/10/1982Address: C-3, Modina Park, 7E & G, Merbag Notun Rasta, Rampura, Dhaka
Mobile: 01711-472357
Email: azadss29th@gmail.com

Dr. Najmul Hasan

MBBS-2014, FCPS-2020
DOB: 27/02/1990
Address: 3/9 4C Shitol Chaya, Aborthik, Kollayanpur, Dhaka
Mobile: 01719-166355
Email: nhtituhasan@gmail.com

Dr. Pankoj Kanti Mondol

MS-2000, D-2009
DOB: 25/12/1979
Address: Hatil Dewberry H# 730/6-7, Bashundhara, West Kazipara, Dhaka
Mobile: 01818-372728
Email: dr.pkmondol@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad Hossain Rasel

Asst. Professor
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2005, MS-2018, FCPS-2023
DOB: 01/01/1981
Address: Flat: 3-A, 10/5, Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Mobile: 01819-649909
Email: mhraselss28@gmail.com

Dr. Diponkar Chandra Banik

Sr. Consultant
Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka
MBBS-2006, D-orth-2014
DOB: 01/01/1983
Address: 261 Satter Tawer, Hamendra Saha More, Nersingdi.
Mobile: 01711-667845
Email: diponkarbanik83@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Ziaur Rahman

DOB: 16/10/1977
Address: Kamal Kachna, Savak, Rangur.
Mobile: 01712-578881
Email: dr.zia2005@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Aminur Rahman (Shimul)

MBBS-2007, MS-2016
DOB: 17/10/1984
Address: H# 179, Boatghat Road, Shornopotti Jhikargucha, Jashore
Mobile: 01711-732327
Email: shimul59dmc@gmail.com

Dr. Sk. Md. Ehasanul Islam

MBBS-2009, D-ortho-2020
DOB: 06/04/1984
Address: 428/B, Road-20, Block-D, South Paikpara, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Mobile: 01914-846983
Email: ehsansbmc@gmail.com

Dr. Tajuddin Molla

MBBS-2004, D-ortho-2010, MS-2018
DOB: 9/11/1979
Address:  16 Nandalal Dutta Lane, Laxmebazar, Dhaka-1100
Mobile: 01730-470657
Email: mollatpu@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman

MBBS-2005, MS-2019
Address: Niribili House.73. North Road, Vutergoli, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Mobile: 01718-201105
Email: mizanszmc9@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad Shamsul Alam

Assistant Professor (Spine Surgery)
Dhaka Medical College Hospital
MBBS-2003, MS-2017
DOB: 15/10/1978
Address: Flat-3C, House-14, Mirpur Road (Opposite Dhaka College), Newmarket, Dhaka-1205
Mobile: 01716-756424
Email: nafiambu@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad Mohsin Reza

DOB: 26/07/1981
Address:NITOR, Dhaka
Mobile: 01817-048723
Emil: rezamohsinss28@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Ziaul Hasan

Medical Officer
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2010, MS-2021
DOB: 01/01/1988
Address: NITOR, Dhaka
Mobile: 01717-408723
Email: dr.zh86@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Zahir-Ul Islam

MBBS-2000, D. ortho-2007, MS-2013
DOB: 31/12/1972
Address: A-5, 63 Nayapaltan, Dhaka-1000
Mobile: 01819-463974
Email: drzahir.orth@gmail.com

Dr. Abdullah Al Mahmud

MBBS-2004, D-ortho-2016
DOB: 01/12/1979
Address: 384, Terokhadia, Rajshahi.
Mobile: 01716-385867
Email: draalmahmud@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Hamidul Haque

MBBS-2008, MS-2019
DOB: 31/10/1982
Address: Assure Akota, 12/A/13, Madrash Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Mobile: 01749-833863
Email: drrasheddmc@gmail.com

Dr. Shahnewas

Jr. Consultant
National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS-2007, MS-2018
DOB: 22/11/1983
Address: 9, Poribage, Globe Nibash, Hatirpool, Dhaka
Mobile: 01711-513622
Email: shahnewas33@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Azadur Rahman

Junior Consultant, Orthopaedic, Kaliganj Upazila Health Complex, Lalmonirhat, Bangladesh.
DOB: 28/12/1979
Address: House no. 92/1, Kazinazroul Islam Sorak, Islampur (Honumantola), Sodor, Rangpur
Mobile: 01814-862286
Email: azadbdrangpur@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Faridul Islam

Registrar, Orthopaedic
Abdul Malek Ukil Medical College, Noakhali
MBBS-2002, MS-2017
DOB: 09/12/1977
Address: Vill & P.O. Lebutala, P/S Kotowali, Jashore
Mobile: 01712-157397
Email: drmdfislam@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Mahmudul Hassan

MO (Spine Surgery) Department of Ortho Surgery
Dhaka Medical College
MBBS-2009, MS-2022
DOB: 01/02/1984
Address: 2/8, 2nd Floor, Nawab Habibullah Road, Shahbag, Dhaka
Mobile: 01715-799511
Email: mhassananu32@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Abdul Awal

Asst. Professor (Spine Surgery)
Naogaon Medical College, Naogaon
MBBS-2004, MS-2016
DOB: 30/08/1979
Address: Asst. Professor (Spine Surgery)
Naogaon Medical College, Naogaon
Mobile: 01732-011901, 01717-507432
Email: drawal40rmc@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Mahabub Alam

MO, Ortho & Trauma
Dhaka Medical College Hospital
MBBS-2011, D-ortho-2018, FCPS-2023
DOB: 10/10/1987
Address: 67/2, Fl-5/C, Urban Antora, Zigatola, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Mobile: 01724-025761
Email: mahabubalam.mbbs@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Rashedul Hossain

Asst. Register
Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Medical College Hospital, Gazipur
MBBS-2007, D-rotho-2013, MS-2020
DOB: 05/09/1984
Address: Block-E, 186/3, North Chayabithi, Joydebpur, Gazipur
Mobile: 01674-854208
Email: rubel_4083@yahoo.com

Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam

Junior Consultant
MBBS-2006, D-ortho-2014
DOB: 24/11/1983
Address: Barinagar, Jashore Sadar, Jashor
Mobile: 01786-213667
Email: dr.nazrul06@gmail.com

Dr. Faisal Ahamed

Bangladesh Spine & Orthopaedic Hospital
MBBS-2010, MS-2024
DOB: 06/01/1985
Address: Flat: B-9, 371, Amena Heights, North Shajahanpur, Dhaka
Mobile: 01716-834511
Email: faisal5thnbmc@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Sariful Hasan

Assistant Professor
East West Medical College, Uttara
MBBS-2012, MS-2020
DOB: 08/01/1989
Address: House-4, Road-12/B, Sector-10, Uttara
Mobile: 01612-140140
Email: robin_comc@yahoo.com

Dr. Naimur Rahman

MBBS-2006, MS-2017
DOB: 06/11/1983
Address: 12 NW/2, Chyaneer, Lakecity, Concord, Khikht, Dhaka
Mobile: 01712-566421
Email: naimurrmc@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Zahidul Haq Khan

Junior Consultant
UHC, Kachua, Chandpur
MBBS-2008, MS-2019
DOB: 01/08/1980
Address: 27/Ka, Road-3, Shaymoli, Dhaka
Mobile: 01729-593432, 01815-863587
Email: zahkhanmr9@gmail.com  


Dr. Arefin Iftekher Ahmed

MBBS-2013, D-ortho-2021
DOB: 13/06/1987
Address: 64, L/6, R.K Mission Road, Dhaka
Mobile: 01760-826606
Email: arefin776@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Abu Sayed

Sr. Consultant, Orthopaedic
250 Bed General Hospital, Jamalpur
MBBS-2007, D-Ortho-2017
DOB: 09/03/1982
Address: 250 Bed General Hospital, Jamalpur
Mobile: 01712-212194
Email: dr.abu.sayed@gmail.com

Dr. Wayez Mahbub

Registrar: Department of spine surgery
Dhaka Community Medical College
MBBS-2014, MS-2023
DOB: 29/11/1991
Address: Flat: 509/A, Oasis, Ispahani Coliny, Boro Mogbazar
Mobile: 01798-404820
Email: wayez1134@gmail.com

Major Dr. Md. Naiemuzzaman Siddique

Classified Specialist (Orthopedic Surgery)
Bangladesh Army, CMH Chattogram
MBBS-2011, MS-2024
DOB: 07/08/1988
Address: Building: B-5, Tower: 3, Flat:03/04, Rakeen City, Mirpur-13
Mobile: 01717-093636
Email: naiemzaman88@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Golam Shaikh Ferdous

Jr, Consultant, Ortho, BSMMU
MBBS-2010, D-ortho-2016
DOB: 8/10/1984
Address: Station Para, Thana- Alamdanga, Chuadanga
Mobile: 01717-432221
Email: shozib89@gmail.com